History Museum & Visitor's Center
205 East Hwy 80
Stop by and enjoy a look into our City's past.
You may be surprised at what you will learn took place in our small town!
By Appointment Only
The Bloomingdale History Society meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm at the Bloomingdale History Museum located at 205 East Hwy 80
Seeking new members:
Anyone interested in preserving the history of our fine City is encouraged to become a member of the History Society!
Youth Membership (Ages 16-19): $15/year
Basic Membership (Ages 20-54): $20/year
Senior Membership (Ages 55 and above): $15/year
Lifetime Membership: $100
(Available to any age category. The amount of $100.00 may be given in full or when annual membership dues reach $100)
Sponsor Membership: Businesses, Organizations, Churches, Patrons: $100/year
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our officers:
President: Tammy Myrick - (912) 658-2399
Sec/Treasurer: Geri Saxon- (912) 675-3098
Join us as we embark on a detailed research of the Bloomingdale history!